Brad In Japan: Food Con!
In which Brad goes to a Food Convention, mourns his Uncle Billy, and shares Young Adult photos
Welcome to the regular schedule :)
A crazy few weeks and plenty more coming so I am excited to share! I mentioned the JLPT N2 test is what I've been studying for and it will be next Sunday, July 2nd so prayers as crunch week starts. However, more important are the prayers needed for my late uncle.
Prayers for my late Uncle, Billy Jones
He passed away this last week after suffering a stroke and will be celebrated this Wednesday. He was married to my mom's sister with whom he had two kids (my cousins). Thankfully, my mom is visiting so I know they have support going through this. It's hard to imagine visiting Nashville and not seeing his smile.
"His lasting legacy will be his big heart, his care for others, his sense of humor, and the induction at the Jackson Rockabilly Hall of Fame."
Love ya Uncle Billy.
Lots of Food
While we recognize the value of life, we can also recognize the necessity of food. And working for a food company lets me go to food conventions, so that's what we did!

This was my first time at this place and I was very excited because there is always so much energy at conventions. No matter who or what you're doing there, it involves a lot of people and it's amazing to watch.

I realized as I wrote this section that there are no photos because I started eating all the samples 😅 Whoops. At least I can confirm that the food was great!
My favorite story was walking by a booth called Ginger Love and I shouted "Ginger Love!? I love ginger!" To which the owners came and talked to me for 5 minutes, gave me a bottle free, and I left my coworkers in awe. It was great.
"Rush hour"
While I've been here, I have been fortunate to not travel the busiest lines at the busiest times. I typically see 4-8 people waiting per door as the max. Until this week and saw this:

I had to wait for another train for the first time in Tokyo. I thought it was crazy. Thankfully, I learned to not leave at that time and now try to avoid it haha.
Young Adults
Here are photos from the last two meetings :)

This time I got to be the "guest speaker" which was chosen by the leader (me) so you know there was a thorough nomination process. It's been great seeing the group grow and certain people help it stay stable. Keep praying for them!
Wrap Up
It's been a wild ride. Company events, catholic groups, and loved ones moving on. Billy was great at playing music by ear and going with the "flow". I think he'd be happy with the flow of life lately and would wish us well. Praying for him and everyone! As always,
Thanks for Reading!