Brad In Japan: Going Clothes Shopping

In which Brad goes to Uniqlo, shows off some fall colors, and eats some cereal

Brad In Japan: Going Clothes Shopping
Photo by Clark Street Mercantile / Unsplash

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to this week's post admist the chaos of writting Day 4 reports (aka my class finals), the second week of Advent (with only 21 days to Christmas!), and the freezing cold weather setting in (40 degrees most mornings now). Lots to update you on, so let's hop in!

New Clothes

Where I'm from, there's not a lot of cold nor a shop called Uniqlo. But where I'm from now, there's a lot of both haha. Uniqlo is a fashion store that I've studied in some of my classes so I went to check them out.

It reminded me a lot of JCPenny from back home, but with all the labels in Japanese! They did have a really cool wall of socks though.

It's pretty satisfying to look at

After shopping and getting a new Down Jacket (which I've never owned before but holy moly it's so nice), pair of pants, 2 socks, and two shirts; I went to check out at their fancy kiosk.

Look at the jacket. All downy and warm. Just waiting to be worn.

You just put the basket in the bin and it automatically rings up all your items! You can then choose how you want to pay and if you need a bag. Because I spent so much they gave me some free items as well. Whoop to big spending.

Fall & Study

Because of the big spending, I can now stay comfortable and warm as I walk around and see the beautiful fall colors!

But despite the gorgeous weather, I have been indoors writing a lot as I have 5 reports due this week and 2 next week. Oof. But, you gotta find the little things to enjoy so here's my cozy writing spot.

With a warm chocolate cookie too!

I also had cereal for the first time in Japan this week! I didn't realize I hadn't had it until I passed it in the store, but I got some almond milk and Kellogg's cereal (at least I think it is...).

You can see my small collection of souvenirs growing.


Before wrapping up, I gotta share one last thing. Hallmark movies are like the new theme of Christmas as everyone watches them (but also, Jesus). That said, my family recommended Once Upon a Christmas Miracle to me and I have to say, really good! I thought I'd pass it along in case you were looking for heartfelt (and not as cheesy) movie.

Wrap Up

I'm excited to be done writing reports soon and on the home stretch for Christmas break. It will be fun getting to make some videos, play some games, and enjoy Japan for a bit. But until then, let us all do our best on these last few weeks! I look forward to writing again on the other side :) As always,

Thanks for Reading!

Bradley Wargo

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